Welcome back to The Bustard

What a month it has been for The Bustard Inn, and well, for all of us in general for that matter!
We want to start by saying a massive ‘Thank You’ to everyone who has showed us their support since we re-opened. Whether it was through messages of encouragement, a friendly word over the wall as we tended to the garden or a visit to us for lunch or dinner. We’ve thoroughly enjoyed being able to see you all again!
Obviously things aren’t quite back to ‘The Bustard Way’ just yet, but we think that we’ve made the best of being Covid-secure whilst still making your experience feel special. More thanks are due for those who have visited and have respected our policies and one way system, and understand the temporary tweaks we’ve had to make.
We’ve got staff both new and familiar, and again, thank you for making them feel welcome and welcomed back! Plus some incredible new dishes on our menus – the food that’s been coming out of the kitchen has been truly mouth-watering. We can’t wait for a day off ourselves to come in and enjoy it first hand!
If you’ve dined with us during the last few weeks, we would love to receive a review from you. It’s been a hard year for The Bustard Inn and the rest of the hospitality industry, so reading testimonials is truly uplifting.
Bookings for June are now open, and July will open shortly – we hope to see lots more of you very soon!